What To Expect
Because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy, each treatment plan may look very different – We customize our interventions to best fit your child and family’s needs.
Our Process
This is the information gathering phase. Before beginning any type of intervention or teaching program, we gather as much information as possible. Assessments include parent interview, observation and testing. Because maladaptive behaviors are often a main concern for families, we do offer support during this phase and if necessary, intervention can take place early on.

Building Rapport
Building rapport with your child is an important and crucial part of this phase. Ensuring that your child sees us as motivating and fun is key to successful intervention. We take time to build strong and positive relationships with you and your child to ensure success - time and effort put in at the beginning will pay off down the road...

Treatment Plan
What are we working on? Once the assessment is completed, therapists begin to create programs designed to target specific skill areas. These skill areas typically fall into 3 domains: communication, social skills, and daily living/self-help or adaptive skills.

Expanding Verbal Behavior
• Requesting
• Commenting
• Labeling
• Conversational skills

Expanding Play Skills
• Joint attention
• Joining and repairing play

Adaptive/Daily Living
• Feeding
• Dressing
• Toilet Training
• Etc...

Improving Social Skills
• Communicating w/ peers
• Appropriate interactions

Speech & Language
• Articulation
• Inferencing
• Social pragmatics

Pre-academic Skills
• On-task
• Attending
• Routine

• On-task
• Sequencing
• Organization
• Reading
• Handwriting

Following Routines
• Task analysis
• Daily living skills
• Labeling

Theory of Mind
• Social awareness
• Understanding of self and others

• Story recall
• Inferencing
• Fluency

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Hand-in-hand with these target skills, we also develop a comprehensive behavior intervention plan to address any maladaptive behaviors that are occurring. The idea being that while we are addressing behavioral concerns, we are also teaching replacement behaviors and skills so that the child learns to engage in appropriate behaviors to get his or her needs met and no longer engages in the maladaptive behaviors.

Parent Training
A crucial part of a successful therapeutic program, is parent participation. Ultimately, we want each child to be able to function independent of their therapist, and this means when we're not there, parents need to know how to jump in. For this reason, parent training and participation is a central part of therapy every step of the way.

Monitoring & Maintenance
On-going data collection allows us to monitor and evaluate your child's treatment plan and progress on an ongoing basis. Data informs all of our program decisions and modifications. This also allows us to continue to work on socially significant skills in an effective manner, and ensures that we are never asking the question: "What should we work on next?"

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